Get Rid Of Clutter: 10 Things That Should NOT Be In Your …

This is a guest post from Karen, a friend of mine, whose cynical views on things always make me laugh. I hope you enjoy it!

Closet … Bathroom … Kitchen

We’ve all been there. We want to organize our home but we have no storage space. Or do we?

If you get rid of clutter and ensure closets and cabinets only contain items relevant to their location, you will find you have more storage space than you thought.



10 Things that should NOT be in your closet

Closets can be scary places. If you don’t think so, just ask Boo from Disney’s “Monster’s Inc.”. OK, so there’s not really going to be any monsters coming out of there, but there might be plenty of things that might fall on you if you don’t open the door just right.

Make more space and stop the avalanche by removing the things that just don’t belong, such as:

Dirty clothes

  1. Dirty clothes. Wash them, already!
  2. Clothes that don’t fit. Come on, do you really think you’ll fit into them again? And even if you do, you know you’re going to reward yourself with new clothes anyway.
  3. Anything you don’t love or need such as the tacky sweater Aunt Gussie sent for Christmas. Either give it to someone who won’t think it’s tacky (say someone in the local old-folks home) or keep it in the garage and use it to wax the car. Ok, that’s a bit harsh, but at least you’d be putting the gift to good use.
  4. Things you’ve got more than one of. Do you really need 10 grey sweaters or 10 white t-shirts?
  5. Items that aren’t yours. It’s really time to give that great blouse back to your friend before she never lends you anything again. Or do you have your kids clothes in your closet? If so, get them their own closet organizer. Rubbermaid closet systems start at only $50.
  6. Clothes that no longer fit your lifestyle. Did you used to work in an office but now don’t? Move those work clothes out to create more space.
  7. Mismatched items. Did you buy a great skirt but have no blouse to go with it? Either buy one or ditch the skirt.
  8. Worn out shoes. Trash them. Hey, what better excuse to get new shoes? Now there’s something that does belong in the closet, along with a shoe rack.
  9. Sheets and blankets. They belong in a linen chest or an under the bed storage box.
  10. Anything you can’t wear.
    • Sports equipment – get a tub and put it in the garage or the basement. You surely won’t need a goalie mask for, um, whatever happens in the bedroom will you????
    • Christmas presents you bought last year and then couldn’t remember where you put them or even that you had them. Come on, you’ve done it, too. But when you do find them, put them somewhere you won’t forget about them.
    • Kitchen appliances you don’t have cabinet space for. “Yes, I’d be happy to whip up a batch of smoothies if you’ll go get the blender out of my closet. It’s behind my Vera Bradley tote bag.” Paahhhlllleeeeeesssss.


10 Things that DON’T belong in the bathroom

The old nursery rhyme goes, ‘Rub-a-dub-dub three men in a tub’. Awkward! Three men do not belong in one tub – or even in the bathroom for that matter (unless it’s a public restroom, of course). And here are a few other things that don’t belong in the bathroom either.


  1. Your library. Reading material in the bathroom – not a big fan. Just do your business and get out.
  2. Dirty laundry. Take it off, drop it in the hamper and shower.
  3. Six bottles of shampoo, four of conditioner and four or five different body washes. Nobody gets that dirty and nobody’s hair can be that dirty. If you buy it, try it and don’t like it – get rid of it. If you buy it, try it and like it – stick with it. Keep any bulk purchases in the garage or basement though.
  4. Oodles of expired make-up and barely useable tubes of lipstick. Toss what you don’t use. If you wore it to prom or your office Christmas party two years ago, throw it out!
  5. Jewelry. It will either get dropped and lost down the sink or will get damp and tarnished. Either way get it out into your bedroom.
  6. Hair. Hair belongs on your head. After doing your hair wipe it up off the floor, sink and counter tops and put it in the trash. Nobody enjoys sharing a bathroom with a shedding wooly mammoth.
  7. Plugged in hair dryers, curling irons or straightening irons; be safe and move them to your bedroom.
  8. Pictures or other cutesy décor – all it does is gather moisture from the shower and collect dust. But on the other hand, all that dust sure will make your allergies happy as a clam.
  9. Floral scented bathroom deodorizers. Well, really any of those spray deodorizers. The scent of roses or lilacs mixed with you-know-what is enough to make anyone toss their cookies.
  10. Your kids. When you’re in there trying to catch a break, lock the door, plug your ears and let somebody else be in charge for a little while. You deserve it!


There’s WHAT in the Kitchen? 10 things that shouldn’t be

The kitchen is often the hub for the family’s comings and goings. It’s where permission slips are signed, where the dog seems to think her squeaky toys belong, where everything that needs a button sewn back on waits hopefully, where science experiments are grown and maybe, just maybe, you prepare meals for your family (if there’s room for you to cook, that is).

Room for cooking wouldn’t be a problem, you know, if you’d get rid of the things that don’t belong in your kitchen.


  1. Dirty dishes. That thing called a ‘dishwasher’ really does wash and clean the dishes. All you have to do is push the button.
  2. Leftovers – from last Thanksgiving or more than two or three days ago, unless they’re labelled and in the freezer.
  3. Coupons. But, you ask, where else should they be? They should be in the register drawer at the grocery store because you used them! That’s where they should be! If you’re not going to use them don’t clip them and leave them to clutter up your countertops and drawers.
  4. Family paperwork, like those permission slips. The only exception to this is if you hang a ‘family central’ bulletin board in the kitchen for such items.
  5. The mail. Sort it, toss the junk and put bills and other important documents in a designated desk drawer or other home office area. It’s neither professional nor appropriate to send your utility bill in with a fruit snack stuck to the back of it.
  6. Dust balls the size of basketballs on top of and behind your refrigerator. It doesn’t take long to swipe through these places a couple of times a month or so.
  7. The toys your kids just couldn’t put down long enough to eat breakfast. Funny though, they sure don’t exhibit any separation anxiety issues when you ask them to take them off the table.
  8. Hair bows, hair clips, pony tail holders, combs, brushes – really?
  9. Pet beds and/or litter boxes. If you need an explanation on this one, well, let’s just say I’m sure my dinner invitation will get lost in the mail.
  10. In short, if you aren’t going to eat it or with it or use it to prepare something to eat, it doesn’t belong in the kitchen.

Ok, so quit reading about how to organize your home and get rid of those things in your closet/bathroom/kitchen that don’t belong.

Chloe says: I had a quick scout round my closet/bathroom/kitchen and came up with the following out of place items. Suncream in the kitchen, a sleeping bag in the bedroom closet (taking up a whole shelf!) and a Gameboy in the bathroom cabinet (I wondered where that had gone!). Please let me know what you find.

Photo credits: H.A.M. Phtgrphy, Elizabeth/Table4Five and Lomo-Cam.

How To Organize Pictures: Overcome Your Roadblocks First

We all have the vision of a picture perfect system – your best pictures in perfect albums – so what has been stopping us all this time?



Before you worry about how to organize pictures, you first need to overcome the roadblocks that have made you take this long to get started. Here we talk about five things that may be stopping you taking the plunge and what you can do about them. You can then get on with organizing pictures and enjoying the results.

Roadblock 1 – Too many photos

Many people feel so overwhelmed by trying to organize their photos that they simply give up. For some people it gets so bad, that they actually stop taking pictures because they don’t want to add to the mess!

Try and break away from your all or nothing mentality. Think small – take one envelope of photos or see what you can get done in 10 minutes. Congratulate yourself for these small achievements, which will motivate you to do more.

How To Organize Pictures: Roadblock

Roadblock 2 – It’s no fun

Take yourself and your collection to your favorite room in the house, perhaps a sunny spot in spring or on a rug in front of the fire in winter. There you will feel relaxed and enjoy reminiscing over your photo collection.

Alternatively enjoy the time by putting on some of your favorite music or invite friends round who have a similar out of control collection and make a party of it.

Roadblock 3 – It’s too emotional

Family histories are packed with emotional memories whether from divorce, illness or losing loved ones. Be gentle to yourself, let your photos help you remember the good times. Use this time as part of your healing process, or perhaps get a friend round to help you cope.

Roadblock 4 – Not sure which storage product to use

Whether you choose albums or boxes, as long as they are photo safe (ie, acid free), you only need to worry about whether or not you like the look of the storage option and whether it is big enough to hold your collection and can be added to at any time.

Albums are nice to flick through but ideally you need to know what is going to go on each page before you start, whereas boxes are easier to insert photos into that you may come across later in the process.

Just make sure you buy enough of the color and type of album you like upfront. A collection of identical albums looks far nicer on your bookshelf than an eclectic array of mismatched items.

Roadblock 5 – Doing it perfectly

There is no wrong way when thinking about how to organize your home and this applies to organizing pictures just as much. The only thing you can do wrong, is to do nothing at all with them.

I’d love to hear what your roadblocks are so we can talk about how to overcome them. Please leave me a comment.


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Photo credit: WebsiteRockstars.

How To Organize Photos Without Losing Your Mind

It’s time to take action and finally get round to organizing those drawers and boxes stuffed full of photos. They are your family’s most prized possessions, preserving your family history to be passed on to the next generation.

If you follow these simple step by step instructions for how to organize photos you will safeguard your entire collection and feel the weight lifted from your shoulders. You will be able to enjoy your pictures without having to rummage through an out-of-control photo collection for hours. By using a system that makes sense your cherished memories will be easily accessed and easily shared with other family members.

Organizing pictures doesn’t have to be as daunting or time consuming as you might think. By following a few simple guidelines and ideas, you will come up with a system and have them organized, cataloged and displayed in no time. Keeping it simple will make you more likely to follow through with it as more photos get snapped.

Please click the link for tips on organizing digital photos, otherwise read on for steps on organizing photos that have been printed.



Step 1 – Choose a storage destination

Make sure you have chosen a destination for where your photos are going to be stored before you start. Options to consider include photo albums, scrapbooks, or just decorative boxes as long as they contain some form of divider system and are photo safe.

How To Organize Photos

Step 2 – Start somewhere

Start now: your photo chaos is only getting worse.

It’s unlikely you’ll have the time (or inclination) to go through years and years worth all in one go, so don’t even try. Aim to handle a few at a time so give yourself half an hour or whatever time you can spare and get started. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of photos you have to sort through, either:

  • Choose a recent envelope and go from there. Keep up to date with new envelopes going back to older ones as you can fit them in; or
  • Pick a photo theme or a series of pictures that inspire you, and use that as a starting point for organizing your pictures.

If it will be a while before you do anything with the rest of your photos, remove them from their paper envelopes and put them into labeled acid-free and PVC-free envelopes.

Step 3 – When in doubt, throw it out

The only essential tool you need to organize your photos is the trash bin.

Get all of your pictures out where you can see them and start by throwing some away. Honestly, who needs eight pictures of the Christmas tree of 1978 or six of little Emma’s first bath? So duplicates, near duplicates, blurry shots or ones with Dad’s thumb need to be dumped.

If you like the finished product, organizing your photos becomes fun so aim for an album full of interesting photos not indistinguishable landscapes. Think about the story you want to pass onto the next generation and share your favorite life moments.

Your photo collection can be overwhelming, which will kill your motivation to get this job done if it hasn’t already! So give yourself permission to reduce the burden by throwing things out unless there is a good reason to keep them. Do you need some help?

  • rare old family photos – keep
  • known family members – keep
  • unidentified people – toss after checking with other family members
  • vacation landscapes – toss
  • sentimentally important photos – a vacation landscape photo may have sentimental value if say it was where you got engaged. In this case it is worth keeping, – just write down WHY it is important to you. These are the treasures that will mean the most to future generations.

Make choices: you can’t keep everything
or you’ll have an uncontrollable mess.

Step 4 – Organize your pictures in a way that makes sense

Separate your photos into piles. You can sort them chronologically (the most common and probably the best way to organize photos) or divide them into categories and then chronologically.

Categories could be family, holidays, individual people who are the subject of the pictures (this is less common as photos can overlap between categories and then you waste time wondering where best to place them).

Just remember there is no perfect system – just pick one that works for you. Focus on getting the job done rather than doing it perfectly. That way you can enjoy your photos sooner.

Step 5 – The Who, What and Where

Using acid free photo pens, write on the back of each picture. Who, what, and where is often sufficient, although capturing the memories that went along with the photos will hold more meaning for you and your loved ones if you have the time.

If you don’t know the story behind the picture, you can either throw them away (No, you won’t be put in jail for this) or find someone who can tell you.

Never use a ballpoint pen to label photos.

Step 6 – Arrange your photos

Now that you’ve been through and eliminated, sorted, and labeled, you’re ready for arranging in albums, boxes, frames or scrapbooks. Always arrange and display your photographs in a way that makes sense to you, so that you can truly enjoy them.

You will not be banished to the Island of Misfit Moms and Family Members if you don’t scrapbook every (or even any) of your photos. If you want to have a go then the following video gives you some idea of what you can expect.

But if you don’t like scrapbooking or don’t have the time or money to put into it, there is no shame in that! Instead, select albums with acid free holders that safely hold lots of photos and give you at least a small space to record the ‘who, what and where’ that is now on the back.

It’s also nice to select a few special shots to arrange in small frames on a table or mantle, or to put in frames for hanging.

If you are arranging in albums, ensure you have every photo related to the category on hand and start with a rough layout idea only finalizing the album when you’re happy with your practice run.

Storing in photo boxes is perhaps the easiest option – just pick up each pile and store each in a separate section, noting the category name on the divider cards. To save you rummaging through box after box to find the photos you are searching for, keep an index of all your boxes and their contents to create a tracking system. You should note date ranges and special events contained within each box.

Step 7 – Store them safely

Even photos stored in photo-safe boxes or albums are sensitive to the cold, heat, humidity and direct sunlight. Rooms where the temperature stays between 40-70 degrees F are ideal – avoid basements and attics.

Nice Ideas

Every year select 20 of the best pictures of each of your children and get copies made. When they graduate, leave home or get married, you could present them with a gift of cherished memories.

Keep a separate album to use for all those large portrait pictures you accumulate from school etc. This makes for a great formal keepsake using professional photos.

Where to store negatives

With printed photos, come negatives. To keep them safe, use acid free binders and sleeve protectors.

It is always a good idea to pay the extra few dollars to have an index print made showing thumbnails of each shot so you can find what you’re looking for more easily when it comes to getting copies made.

Don’t hide them all away

Whether printed or digital, photos are not just a historic record of family life, they are also mementos that should be enjoyed on a daily basis, so don’t hide them all away. Pick a few favorites each month or year and put them into frames or flip frames (whether standard or digital). Or leave an album on the hall or living room table for everyone to enjoy. Rotate occasionally.

Organizing your photographs is a great place to start with your ‘how to organize your home‘ plan. It is a lovely way to bring generations of your family together and to pass on the many happy memories that make your family who they are.

Organizing Digital Photos In 7 Easy Steps

Do you suffer from ‘Digital Photo Disorder’ where you have a backlog of photos on your computer with no organizational system in place but you keep snapping away?

It’s all too easy to take the pictures and decide that you’ll organize them another day. But unfortunately they’re not going to magically appear in neat, named folders on your computer without a bit of help.



Organizing digital photos should mean you have a fast, easy way to access your favorite memories. But if they are randomly scattered around your image library, with file names that are just numbers, it will be time consuming to locate the ones you want to enjoy and share.

But organizing these masses as part of your ‘how to organize your home‘ journey is not as easy as snap, snap, snap, delete, delete, delete – you’ll need a system. So commit to half an hour a week or a month depending on how many pictures you take and follow these simple steps for how to organize digital photos:

Keeping up to date with organizing your digital photos is the key.

Step 1 – Download

Download the pictures to your computer every time you take a new batch.

Step 2 – Decide what to toss

Delete the photos you don’t want to keep – be brutal. Get rid of those where your child’s eyes are closed or they’re making an awkward face. And toss those that are over exposed, too dark or duplicates – just pick your favorite and send the rest to the trash.

The only essential tool needed to organize digital photos is the delete button.

Step 3 – Photo editing

The beauty of digital photos is that you can do various forms of photo editing yourself – common things to improve are red eye and cropping any unwanted parts.

Step 4 – Rename each file

Come up with a consistent naming system and rename each file. This is the most time consuming part but is so much easier to do soon after taking the photo than it is years down the road.

Come up with a system that includes the following and stick to it: year, month, place, event (up to 3 words) or who is in the photo – use hyphens, eg, 2011-03-disney-land-family-trip

Step 5 – Create a folder structure

Create folders on your computer for each category of photo that you have, eg, date, vacations, kids, family, friends, work etc. These mimic physical photo albums. Allocate each photo to the relevant album.

When you have so many digital photos that folders are not enough, you may want to consider using tags. These are descriptive keywords or phrases that are added to an image file and make it easier for you to search for the photos that you want by creating a cross reference.

For more information on tagging and a comprehensive series of 10 tutorials of how to organize your digital photos click here.

As well as using a simple folder directory structure for keeping digital photos on your computer you could use photo organizer software. This will help you by allowing you to do both basic editing, photo management and photo sharing easily and automatically.

Picasa is free and thought to be the best photo organizing software – find out more here.

Step 6 – Backup your photos

To ensure your photos are safely preserved, you should backup your digital photo files either by burning them onto a CD or DVD, your iPod, an external storage device or using online photo storage.

Step 7 – Sharing and storing your digital photos online

As well as being a great back up for the digital photos held on your computer, those held online are so much easier to share with family and friends than printed versions. Whereas you could e-mail photos to each person, this can become tedious so using photo sharing websites is a much more popular alternative.

There are so many image hosts available these days you will be spoiled for choice whether you are looking for free or paid services. So check out their features to see which one suits you best. Things to look out for are:

  • support of jpeg, gif and png file formats
  • ability to browse your images
  • storage space limits
  • number of image limits (including number that can be uploaded at one time)
  • file size limits (avoid anywhere where you will need to resize images to meet criteria)
  • are thumbnails provided?
  • ability to resize and rename images
  • ability to print photos and order related personalized products
  • ability to e-mail or otherwise share photos with family and friends

Most sites offer some form of free photo sharing, where you get say 1GB of storage space, and will then require an annual fee for more space and more features. These fees range from $19.95 to $40.00 per year for the top 10 photo sharing sites. The best site is Photobucket costing $24.95 per year which is easy to use and popular.


I’d love to hear how YOU go about organizing digital photos. Please leave me a comment.


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