How To Organize Kitchen Appliances

How To Organize Kitchen Appliances


Kitchen appliances tend to take up a lot of space so say ‘No’ to storing them on your countertops unless you use them daily like a coffee maker.

Instead here’s how to organize kitchen appliances in 2 easy steps:



Step 1 – Get sorting

Pull out all your appliances and put them into three piles – regular use, infrequent use, hardly ever used. Any that no longer work should not even make it into a pile, but should find the quickest route into the trash.

Appliances that are hardly ever used should be tossed or donated (consider especially if they are 1-trick ponies like waffle makers.

If you are struggling with this step, have a ‘Use it or donate it’ month, where it gains pride of place on your countertop and you make an effort to use it. If you don’t use it in the month, you know the answer – get it out of there. If you do use it, then great, it’s earned it’s right to take up cabinet space.

Step 2 – Find them a home

Designate a cabinet for appliances – lower cabinets are best for these typically heavy and bulky items and then you can keep upper eye level cabinets for food. Treat yourself to some slide out organizers to give easy access to the appliances stored at the back of the cabinet.

Regularly used appliances should be stored at the front of the cabinet with those used infrequently being at the back. Use twist ties to keep the cords in order before storing and keep small attachments in labeled zip loc bags.

Don’t forget the dead space above upper cabinets if you need more space for seldom used appliances. Store them in attractive baskets up there to keep the overall look of your kitchen uncluttered.

Alternatively keep appliances in a garage or basement or invest in a countertop appliance garage. These are interesting kitchen organization ideas that typically sit in the corner of your countertop and have a roll down door to keep appliances out of sight.

I’d love to hear how you go about organizing kitchen appliances. Please leave me a comment.

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How To Organize Recipes To Avoid Recipe Chaos

How To Organize Recipes

If you are addicted to collecting recipes, you are not alone. Recipes from Grandma, your mother-in-law, and every ladies magazine on the stands; how many hundred do you have in every nook and cranny in your kitchen? If this is you, then the following step by step guide on how to organize recipes, will be a great time saver.

How many of your recipe collection aren’t even old favorites, but are just sitting in an ever growing ‘to try’ pile? You have great intentions of trying them all, but just never get around to it. But, you tell yourself, you will…someday. Sure you will. Not! So now is as good a time as any to weed through them and get them more organized. Chances are, if they’re more organized, you might just use a few more of them.

Recipe chaos is cumbersome to deal with. It is hard and time consuming to find what you are looking for in the midst of handwritten recipes and cookbooks, cooking magazine clippings, e-mailed recipes and online bookmarks.

If your recipes are organized, menu planning is a cinch, and grocery shopping is easy. So read on to discover the easy way to eliminate, categorize and keep track of your recipes as part of your ‘how to organize your home‘ journey. You can use either physical products such as a recipe box, a binder system or click the link to discover the best way to organize recipes using your home computer or an online recipe organizer.



Step 1 – Get Started

If you’re anything like me with thousands of recipes to go through, this job is one that just gets put off. So break it into manageable chunks and try and do some recipe filing for 10 minutes per day until they are all done.

Step 2 – Before You Decide How To Organize Your Recipes

Before you organize your recipes you need to eliminate the unnecessary. Go through them all to see which ones you really will take the time to try. Need a little help deciding?

  • Get rid of any that take more preparation time than you are willing to put in.
  • Throw out or pass on to someone else any recipe that hits the ‘eewww, ick’ radar of more than one person in your household. Why bother for something nobody will eat?
  • Does it cost more to make than you’d spend going out to eat?

When you’re down to the ones you want to hold onto, you need to come up with the best organizing system for you. Do you want to store them in some sort of file or binder or do you need to learn how to organize recipes online or on your computer? Or do you want to combine the two and create digitally scrapbooked recipes?

Step 3 – Ideas For Organizing Recipes

To Try Recipes

Keep your to try pile separately, perhaps in a drawer or box and start trying those recipes out. ‘Keepers’ can be filed in your new system, and the ones that aren’t up to scratch can go in the trash with the leftovers!

Rotation Recipes

Most families have 15-20 staple recipes that they use over and over again. These should be kept separate from the rest on a handy shelf in your kitchen.

Sort Other Recipes Into Categories

Before you think about where to store the rest of your recipes, you need to sort them into categories. Your categories can be anything you like from Soups, Main Courses, Desserts etc to Vegetarian, Poultry, Meat, Fish etc. Pile up your loose recipes into each category; if the piles get too big, split them into sub categories. Don’t forget to print out any recipes held digitally or photocopy those in recipe books that you like.

Step 4 – Decide Where To Store Your Recipes

You could just chuck your recipes in a cardboard box, but having done this, I don’t recommend it if you ever want to know where to find them again! What you choose to store your recipes in will largely depend on your budget and taste, but you should also consider the size of your collection. Here are a few options:

Your current recipe holder – cost $0

Pros: cheap

Cons: may not be the ideal solution if it is just an old cardboard box unless you can introduce some form of category divider system.

Recipe card organizer box – cost from $14 plus cards, covers and dividers

Pros: various styles, sizes and colors

Cons: unless you have a large collection of cards already, I find them too troublesome to deal with. You have to copy the recipes onto the cards or cut up your magazine pages or printouts to fit onto the cards.

Accordian style expanding file organizers – cost from $7

Pros: variety of styles; ready made tabs and pockets ideal for your categories

Cons: you may need a few

Photo albums – cost from $6

Pros: various styles available including sticky pages and plastic pockets, all of which offer protection to your recipes

Cons: a large collection will take a lot of albums

3-ring binder – cost from $4 for standard binders or from $9 for recipe organizer binders

Pros: versatile as you can punch recipe cards, magazine clippings, printouts etc; can protect recipes by using refill pages from photo albums or plastic sleeves

Cons: your collection may outgrow the binder so you’ll need to buy separate ones

Notebooks – cost around $10 for a decent one

Pros: can add notes to the margins; can use nice looking Moleskine notebooks to create a recipe organizer book of all time favorites, perhaps you could make a copy as a very personal gift.

Cons: messy to glue recipes into the notebook; hard to add new recipes into the right category as the notebook fills up, unless you have one notebook for each.

Pick out whichever option appeals to you most and get filing.

Other Considerations

Protect Or Not?

Recipes are magnets for grease stains and creased corners, so it is often wise to protect them in plastic sleeves or other page protectors. That is unless you feel these marks give the recipe a bit more life where you can even scribble notes or ratings to the paper. You may want to protect hand written family heirloom recipes though to avoid the ink fading.

Meal Planning

Meal planning is a tried and trusted technique of performing your grocery shopping efficiently. It is cost effective as it eliminates waste. Once your recipes are organized you will easily be able to find and plan your meals for the upcoming week or fortnight and write your shopping list accurately so that you don’t forget anything or wander round the supermarket wondering what to buy. It is a good idea to keep the week’s recipes handy in a little magnetic pocket on the side of the fridge. You can then refile them away and sort out the next week’s meals at the end of the week.

Ongoing Maintenance Of Your Recipes

To ensure your system does not attract clutter, it is advisable to go through the whole lot once or twice a year and purge any no longer required based on the criteria at the start. This is still relevant to those held digitally.

Alternatives To Organizing Your Recipes

Whilst the above maybe some of the best ways to organize recipes, you could just leave them in a complete mess – you never know what treasures you’ll find while searching for the one you want. Or how about just chucking them all and eating out or buying ready-made convenience foods. Whatever works!

I’d love to hear your ideas for how to organize recipes. Please leave me a comment.


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Photo credit: WordRidden.

How To Organize Recipes On Your Computer Or Using An Online Recipe Organizer

Online Recipe Organizer

There are a couple of benefits to organizing recipes electronically.

Firstly it eliminates the need for extra storage space in the kitchen – you can throw away all those dog eared magazine clippings or give away all those recipe books you only like one or two recipes from.

Secondly they can be easier to search through using your computer’s search functionality. You should still set up a category based system though.

So should you store recipes on your own computer or use an online recipe organizer or something like Google Docs? Your own computer is best if you’re not always connected to the internet. Referring to a recipe organizer online is best if you like to access recipes from anywhere you happen to be or you want to share them with friends quickly and easily.



Online Recipe Organizer Options

Online recipe organizers allow you to manage your recipe collection ‘online’ funnily enough. There are many sites offering this kind of service so features you should look out for include:

  • being able to add your own paper recipes, not just bookmark those that are already online
  • a meal planner tool that creates a shopping list
  • functionality that allows you to increase or decrease the ingredients based on the number of servings you need
  • a database of recipes for you to browse through (as if you don’t have enough already!)
  • social interaction with other food lovers
  • ability to share recipes with family, friends and other members
  • no charge!

The following websites are worth checking out:

Recipe Organizer Software For Your Computer

Recipe organization software is available to use as part of your ‘how to organize your home‘ action plan but is not necessarily needed. Software offers numerous features such as allowing you to adjust serving numbers on a recipe automatically, generating shopping lists from menu plans, making custom made cookbooks to give as gifts and checking nutritional analysis. They do have a downside though, in that often you will need to type in the recipes you’ve collected from cooking magazines, friends and family etc.

The best recipe organization software packages range from $9.95 to $79.95 with the best one being MasterCook which costs $29.99.


Free recipe organizer software is advertised but more often than not is just a ‘free’ trial or access to a full program that is limited in some way, such as in the number of recipes you can add.

How To Organize Recipes On Your Computer Without Software

To save you typing them all you could really do with a scanner. You can then scan them all in and save them into category recipe folders. You can also take online recipes and cut and paste them into a word document.

Print them when you need them and rescan them if you’ve made notes on them. Alternatively just recycle after use. Make sure to include recipes from books that you have tried and want to use again in your electronic recipe organizer.

Pros & Cons Of Keeping Digital Recipes

The advantages of digital recipes are that they can’t get lost (assuming you back up your PC or your online recipe organizer is reliable), stained or dog eared and your collection can’t outgrow your binder. You can also store multiple copies in various categories, such as ‘Chicken’ and ‘Healthy’ and easily e-mail favorite recipes to friends. Just think carefully when coming up with filenames – be sure to take advantage of the fact that the computer will alphabetize things for you.

The only downside to a digital recipe organizer as far I’m concerned is not being able to make a quick decision based on a pretty picture as I flick through my paper versions, without opening a lot of files, but this can be solved with a digital scrapbook.

Digitally Scrapbooked Recipes

Online Recipe Organizer

Blissfully Domestic has a beautiful example of a digitally scrapbooked recipe and she explains how you go about making one. They are ideal for those of us who like a pretty recipe to work from but at the same time, the originals are all safe and sound stored digitally on your computer allowing you to reprint them at any time. They also allow you to hand pick attractive looking recipes to combine into a gift book for friends and family.

I’d love to hear your thoughts if you use an online recipe organizer. Please leave me a comment.


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