How To Organize Kitchen Drawers

What do you have in your kitchen drawers? Really, be honest, are there garlic bulbs mixed up with cooking utensils and swimming goggles in with the dish towels? There were in mine! Oh dear.

Drawers are premium space in a kitchen, especially those in your 5 activity zones. So don’t let them be a dumping ground. If you can’t open or close them properly or find what you need at a glance, you need some kitchen drawer organization. So where do you start?

Kitchen Drawer Organizer

==> Click HERE for the full range of kitchen drawer organizers <==Impression pixel


Essentials that should be stored in a drawer are cutlery, utensils, food storage bags, plastic wrap and foil, dish towels and small accessories.

Cooking knives are the only real exception, which should be kept out of the drawer:

  • (i) to stop anyone cutting themselves; and
  • (ii) to keep the knives from going blunt more often by bumping into other contents.

Use a magnetic knife strip to keep them handy but off of the countertop to help with your kitchen counter organization.



How to organize kitchen drawers

  • Before organizing the items within your drawer, toss or donate anything that is duplicated, never used or broken (I had a broken garlic press and nut cracker in my drawer!).
  • Then allocate your items to a drawer in the right activity zone.
  • Group like items together.
  • Grab yourself some organizers, small bins or boxes to stop everything getting messed up a few days after it goes back in the drawer.

You don’t need to spend a lot on drawer organizers – for cheap options just look in your pantry for boxes you could repurpose. Cover them in pretty paper if it makes you feel better.

Not many drawers?

If you are short of drawers consider these kitchen organization ideas:

  • Move cutlery to a pretty holder on the kitchen table.
  • Repurpose an attractive jug or vase or buy a utensil holder for the utensils that you use on a regular basis.
  • Use pretty baskets to store dish towels on top of the fridge, on a shelf or in the pantry.
  • Hang plastic wrap in over-the-door cabinet organizers.
  • Buy some flower pots or baskets that can be hung on the wall and use these for silverware, or dish towels.
  • Look out for a set of tiered baskets that can be hung from the ceiling to house your cutlery, napkins etc.

If you are lucky enough to have deep, wide drawers near to your stove, make the most of them by storing all your pots and pans in one place.

The junk drawer

If you have one and it is taking up valuable drawer space, find a proper home for its contents. Alternatively use a compartmentalized junk drawer organizer to keep like junk items together.

Kitchen drawer organizers

There are many drawer inserts you can buy to help you keep your drawers organized. These range from utensil and flatware caddies, spice drawer inserts, compartments and dividers. If you keep your items neatly together, rather than overflowing and junky, the remaining space in your drawer is opened up.

==> Click HERE for the full range of kitchen drawer organizers <==Impression pixel

I’d love to hear the craziest things you found in your kitchen drawers or your favorite kitchen drawer organizers. Please leave me a comment.

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